Empresa Limited

Since its inception in 1999 the Empresa ethos is to develop ground breaking ways of helping clients to get more from technology. Through bespoke websites, web Apps and software let innovation transform the way that you work. Better marketing, increased productivity, and greater effectiveness saves you time and money so you can maximise your business potential.  The company was formed in 1999 as the internet was beginning to make its mark. Almost 20 years on and we are now an established company located at Pottergate, in the heart of the Norwich Lanes.  Through better use of the Internet, Apps and data management, Empresa has helped many businesses improve their strategies or work processes or to take an idea, service or product to new markets. 

Our aim is to work with you to establish the solutions suitable for your particular needs, to provide value for money and to maximise your business potential to the full.

One of the services we offer is the provision of a tailor-made / bespoke solution, whether that's using off the shelf software or something created completely bespoke or even a combination of the two.  We undertake to fully understand your business and how technology can assist, not using I.T. for the sake of it but design, construct and implement a solution to meet your precise business needs and achieve a positive and effective outcome.  From formulated and agreed detailed requirements we will design and agree a solution, which will be developed and deployed in a manner so as to help rather than hinder your business.

We can deliver a full range of the most popular internet services which commonly include website design, development, search engine optimisation, hosting and e-mail marketing. Clients can use as many of our services we provide as they wish, and this will depend upon the specific requirements and whether we are the sole provider for the entire project or working in partnership with others, both of which we are very comfortable with.  Our strength is being able to truly understand business objectives and to be able to elect the most appropriate solutions to meet if not exceed them, whether it be by utilising existing in-house technology frameworks and plug-ins or a complete bespoke developed solution.  We offer proven solutions for the common areas of business functionality typically required in an online solution such as content management, social media features and payment handling. Our solutions have already been used successfully in many of our projects and can quickly provide feature-rich web sites that offer market-leading functionality.

We will arrange for an initial visit from an experienced consultant to discuss your plans and to understand how Empresa can help. Our consultant will then work with you and your business throughout the project to provide demonstrations and receive your feedback during the development phases, and after final implementation, will be there to consult if you have any problems or want any follow up activities to take place.  It is important to note, that even though we offer such a wide spectrum of I.T. services, we do not restrict our consultancy recommendations from identifying and employing services from other providers where we feel appropriate or where we identify an opportunity from something that could be "off-the-shelf".  If you would like to discuss your current or future needs with Empresa, then either contact us to discuss in more detail, in confidence, or we can arrange for a consultant to pay you a visit.

Standard Pricing
  • Per Hour : £10.50
  • Day Rate : £85.00
Business Hours
  • Monday : 09:00:00-17:30:00
  • Tuesday : 09:00:00-17:30:00
  • Wednesday : 09:00:00-17:30:00
  • Thursay : 09:00:00-17:30:00
  • Friday : 09:00:00-17:30:00
  • size : 5 - 10 Members
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