
Keywords Are At The Heart Of A Good SEO CampaignAre Your Keywords Showing?

Keywords, are an essential part of both SEO and PPC advertising.  

A keyword is a word or phrase that a website is targeting. 

All website owners will be targeting different search phrases depending on their business. 

Some examples of targeted keywords would be:

A Solicitor in Birmingham : Midlands legal services, Solicitors Birmingham, Birmingham Legal Service

A Florist In Brighton : Brighton Florists, Florists near Brighton, Brighton Floral

A Engineering Company In Wakefield : Yorkshire Engineering, Leeds Engineering, UK Engineering, Manufacturing Company

Key phrases will vary with every company, and these are what companies are looking to optimise as part of their SEO efforts.  This makes up your website content, the nuts and bolts of your SEO.

Search engines like Bing and Google search each page on a website for the keywords, so they can index them and rank the website.

Search Phrases On Your Website

Keywords on a website are very important.  Search engines will look for patterns on a website to try and access what the website does.  

Based on this, the search engine will then place it in the search results accordingly.  The more relevant a search engine feels a website is to a users search, the higher it will appear in the results. 

This is why engineering companies in Edinburgh will not appear on searches for florists in Dover. The idea of SEO is to convince the search engines that your website is the most relevant for your chosen backlinks.

Density Of Search Phrases

Keyword density is about the amount and spread of search phrases on a web page.  In the early days of the internet, webmasters would put all their keywords onto the bottom of pages (under all the page information).  

This was in order to trick the search engines into thinking the site was the best result.  This was sussed out as a trick and rarely occurs now.

The idea is to integrate chosen targeted keywords into the text of a page so that search engines see the page information as unique and relevant to the website/topic but also read the keywords as being part of the nuts and bolts of the website. 

The result is that the website will rank higher in search results naturally just because of the keyword configuration.

It is important not to over do the keywords – keyword spamming (dumping too many onto a page) can have a negative SEO effect.

Backlinks & SEO

This is the heart and soul of SEO, getting the keywords right at the start is vital for the SEO to be effective. 

Without targeted search phrases, a website will just be pages of information that are overlooked in search results as ‘stuff’ that is not targeted.

Once search phrases are set up on a website, they then need to be linked to other sites in terms of setting up backlinks from other sites in order to boost the keywords strength. This could be done via article marketing, blogging, or linking to networked sites.

How To Decide On Keywords

Most search phrases will come naturally if you sit down and think ‘what search phrases would my potential customers key in to a search engine for me to appear’?  However there are useful tools on the internet that can help to bring up variations that may be helpful.

The best thing for any business to do is to decide on 3-5 search phrases that they feel would be most relevant to target.  Then to ensure that their website has those keywords appearing on each page (not in a spammy way). 

SEO work can then be done (offsite SEO) in order to optimise the results and work the website up the search results.

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