Price Comparison Sites

Price ComparisonThese Days Price Comparison Sites Dominate

Price comparison websites are widespread these days, covering almost any product and service one can imagine.

Price comparison has been popular both for businesses and consumers as they are all about saving you money.

The one thing that really drove price comparison to the forefront is the internet.  The internet gives us a chance to compare like for like products as we all do with supermarkets.

Supermarkets sell branded products (such as Heinz baked beans, or Hellman’s mayonnaise) and they sell their own branded products (such as Tescos baked beans or Tescos mayonnaise).

We then compare the supermarkets own products against each other, as well as the branded products.

The internet allows us to be able to compare products from different websites.

Marketing is a great example of something that requires price comparison for.  Website design for example.  Take 10 different website designers.  Give them all a brief (the same brief) and ask them to quote you on that brief and guaranteed you will have 10 different website design quotes.

Some of the sectors price comparison websites appear in are:

  • Buying/selling cars like
  • Insurance (all kinds) like
  • Books
  • CD’s & DVD’s
  • Utilities like
  • Creative Marketing Comparison like Marketing Quotes
  • Mobile Phones like
  • Hotels like Trivago
  • Car Rental like rental
  • Computers & Electronics
  • Food

Quick and simple to use, price comparison sites act as an independent third party for businesses and consumers to save time and money.

Why Use Price Comparison?

Price comparison sites started to appear around 10 years ago.

Initially in the area of car insurance and then spreading across all markets and sectors.  They were started due to the hassle involved in chasing quotes.

Due to the number of providers in the UK/world price comparison sites act as a kind of central market place where users can compare goods/services/costs in order to find the best solution quickly.  We are all aware of the annoying TV Adverts and advertising for price comparison.

Price Comparison For Marketing

Marketing is a service and is different to things like insurance, DVD’s and other goods/services that are constant (only different in price).  With marketing, there are different aspects to compare that come into the mix:

  • Industry Experience
  • Location
  • Support Services
  • Cost

Due to the large number of marketing companies in the UK, it does make sense to use a comparison site in order to get ideas and quotes from marketing companies that fit the criteria for individual requirements.

With marketing, the cheapest does not mean the best.  With insurance, it is about getting the cheapest quote.  Since all insurance companies provide roughly the same package; but with marketing, this is not the case.

All marketing companies are different, different sizes, different backgrounds, different services and different prices.

However since there are over 20,000 marketing companies in the UK it does make sense to try and minimise the amount of time you spend e-mailing/calling marketing agencies.  It is about trying to find the best one for your business.

Compare Marketing Costs

The problem facing UK businesses is that all marketing companies charge different amounts.  Therefore choosing a marketing company is always going to be a challenge.

There is no industry standard for marketing costs and all marketing companies set their own fees.
As such, finding the best agency whilst not paying over the odds is hard.  As each one will use reasons to justify their prices.

The quality of their work, the skill of their staff, the clients they work with, the connections they have are all used to set their costs.

  • Public Relations – As the example above, take a PR brief and give it to 10 different PR companies.  Chances are you will get 10 different quotes from each of the 10 PR companies.
  • Telemarketing – Ask 10 different telemarketing companies to quote you on 10 days worth of telemarketing per month and you will most likely get 10 different prices.
  • SEO – Ask 10 different SEO companies to quote you for doing SEO on your website and you will get 10 different quotes from each of the SEO companies.

All marketing companies are privately owned businesses, many with plush offices, highly paid directors, large marketing teams (that have salaries, bonuses, incentives etc.) all which need to be paid for by the customer.

As a price comparison website, we want to help you find the ‘right’ marketing company for your business.

Price comparison for marketing is different to other products, as marketing cannot be chosen on price alone.

With mayonnaise, pretty much any mayonnaise you get from any supermarket is going to taste pretty much the same.  With website design or telemarketing, you cannot go with the cheapest quote, because the cheapest marketing company does not make them the best.

There is other criteria to take into account, such as experience, skill and of course the chemistry you have (or that gut feel).

The best way to find the right marketing company at the right price is to compare quotes via a price comparison site.  That is we are here for.  Let us know what you would like a quote on and we will help you get 4-5 local quotes from marketing companies that know your industry sector.

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