Website Re-design Ideas

Website Re-design IdeasA Few Website Re-Design Ideas To Consider

We have put together a few website re-design ideas for any UK business to consider.

The world is increasingly becoming more and more digital, as such it has become more necessary than ever to connect with your customers.

Your website is your shop window, in most cases your website is the first port of call for customers, in some cases many businesses are 100% online.

When was the last time your website was updated, modified or given a fresh coat of paint?  If the answer is more than a 3 month period then you need to consider a refresh.

Some companies change their website theme to go with the seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter.  Some companies modify the colours of their website, or change the layout.  There are lots of options to keeping things fresh and more importantly, modern.

Technology has come a long way since the internet first landed in 1983, most people can tell a modern website to one that looks out of date.

Just fill in the form opposite to get quotes from local web designers that can give you website re-design ideas.

Why Get A Website Re-Design?

They are a major part of any business, a shop window that website content needs tobe updated and freshened up as much as a window display or shop interior.

The best analogy is the seasons of the year (spring, summer, winter and autumn); the seasons change bringing new colours, new life and a new perspective on the world.

A website being updated can bring a new lease of life to a business, showing visitors that the business is alive and on the pulse of things.

In most cases, a website re-design involves a major overhaul of a few or all of the pages for the following reasons:

  • Reformatting Web Pages
  • Updating Your Online Store With New Products
  • Optimising Your Website For Mobile Devices
  • Optimising Cluttered Web Pages
  • Creating New Content Or Blog Posts
  • Optimising Landing Pages That Are Used For Advertising

The internet search engines rank websites based on their mobile usability.  Since there are a wide number of smartphones and software packages are regularly updated for each one, how your website appears for mobile is now very important.

Since most of us now use smartphones for online search, you website needs to appear clearly, be attractive and be functional.

Responsive websites should automatically update and are the way of the future.

Website Audit

Before getting a website re-design, having a website audit done first would be a good idea.

Going through your existing website to review the existing content and analytics.  See which pages are popular and which are not.  Which pages are loading properly and which ones are not.

Are there any 303 pages, or 404 pages that cannot be found.  How many pages re-redirects are there and are there too many?

Define Your Target Audience

Your website is not going to be attractive to everyone as we are all different.

Certain industries work in certain ways, because people who have a similar mindset are drawn into certain industries.  For example people that are more creative work in creative industries.  People with scientific or mathematical characters are drawn into others.

Defining your target audience is important, so as a website re-design will apply to that persona.

What Are Some Re-Design Ideas?

The easiest way to quickly change a sites feel is changing the colour scheme.  This is considered the ‘skin’ of the site, the background image, the background colour and maybe the headings on the site.

Adapting it around the seasons is a great way to show people the change between spring to summer, winter to spring.

People’s moods change as the seasons change and this mood can be plugged into just with a few design changes on a site.  Some of the easiest website re-design ideas are the best.

4 website Re-design Ideas To Consider

  • Make your website mobile friendly.  As already mentioned, most of your customers will use smartphones to access your website.  Also search engines rank websites based on smartphones over desktop.
  • Add call to action buttons to each page.  Make it as simple as possible and as clear as possible for website users to fill in a form or contact you for a quote.
  • Update your stylistic images, colour schemes, fonts, text size.  Consider your own brand and also any current trends.
  • Add new content to the website regularly.  Content is king, it always has been.  Your customers want new products and services.  Search engines want new content to show your website is not static.

How Much Would The Website Re-Design Cost?

Choosing a marketing company to do a website re-design is a challenge.  Price will come into your website re-design ideas at some point.  The re-design does not have to be expensive, just the case of making a few tweaks here and there.

Changing of some text can cost a few hundred pounds, a few hours of a designers time can bring a new lease of life to your site.

It is worth shopping around and getting website design prices from a few local companies, to get an idea of the costs involved.  Rather than spending time on Bing looking at agencies, let us help.

This is something that is very important, a site can receive thousands of visitors a day, but if the design does not speak to them, it is all for naught.

Just fill in the form and we will get a few local web designers to provide you with a quote on a website re-design.

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