Why Using Videos To Help Your SEO Brings More Website Visitors

Why Using Videos To Help Your SEO Brings More Website VisitorsVideos Can Boost Your SEO

Over the years we have seen videos come to dominate social media platforms, in particular Facebook and more recently the dark horse Tik Tok.  But why do videos help your SEO and bring you more website visitors?

According to the Fast Company, Tik Tok is a sleeping giant as far as getting visitors.  Social media has changed SEO forever with using videos to bring in more visitors, and keeping them.  Primarily the videos are goofy and light hearted, but some are educational and some political.

Do You Use Videos On Your Website?

This is an important question, as most that ‘we’ use have videos on them.

Consider news sites like the Daily Mail, they normally have a video in each of their articles.

Facebook has been using videos more since it’s original launch in 2004 as a photo sharing platform.  Instagram is now the go to platform for pictures, but each platform is used in a slightly different way.

We see more video tutorials on Facebook from people like Gordon Ramsey whereas he uses Tik Tok for more light hearted clips or ‘duet’

Videos Keep People On Your Site For Longer

One thing that Google considers when ranking is how long people remain on your website.  If people leave after 10 seconds, then they have not found what they are looking for.  This is why using videos as part of your optimisation can bring more visitors to your site and therefore more trust as far as search engines are concerned.

Google is constantly tweaking it’s search algorithm to rank and rate them globally.  If yours has thousands of people visiting and remaining on it, shows that yours is serious and needs to be rewarded with more visibility.

Sites like Vimeo have been around for a while and are dedicated to sharing videos, and surprise surprise, have a high page rank (trust).  TikTok estimated that the average person that uses their platform each day remains for 45 minutes!

This is known as a bounce rate, if the search engines notice that people going on your website leave within seconds shows them that your website is not what they are looking for and may well downgrade you.  If visitors stay on your website for 20+ minutes, this shows them that your website is relevant to the search term they used to find you for and may well upgrade your ranking.

This is why news websites always rank high, because people stay on them reading their articles.

What If Yours Is Not A Social Media Platform?

OK so we have discovered that social media platforms are juggernauts for their ability to keep users on the site and continue to draw people back.  But what if yours is not a social media platform, what if you are a hotel, a garage, a divorce lawyer?

You can still use the tactic of having videos on your website and using videos as part of your SEO strategy.  Having videos on sites like Youtube is nothing new, and they will always be easy for people to find.  If your videos are informative and have a ‘twist’ then they will hopefully be bookmarked or passed on, drawing in more visitors.

This will be seen by the search engines and your site should be rewarded by going up and helping you reach the top for your chosen keywords.

TikTok Is The Latest And Greatest

Many companies are using the power of videos on their websites via TikTok, which has millions of visitors every day with billions of videos since it’s launch in 2016.

The worldwide COVID lockdowns of 2020 really brought the platform forwards as millions took to the platform doing dances, food reviews, and starting viral trends.

Many people have now started a career bring a full time social media influencer and posting daily videos to millions of followers.

Creative Videos Are A Good Idea

If you are a B2B company, doing professional videos are important.  These need to be informative and in line with your brand.  However having light hearted videos are also a good idea.

People sit behind a desk during the day, but everyone (or most people) have a sense of humour, and if you can bring some light hearted angle to your business, should make the serious face crack a smile.

Hopefully this will strengthen your brand, as well as using videos as part of your optimisation and drawing in more website visitors.

Talk To An Expert About Strategy

So not everyone can create a video, particularly a professional video that will draw website visitors in.  To this end we at Marketing Quotes advise you talking to a professional marketing company about incorporating videos into your website.

Just fill in the form opposite to get quotes from local marketing companies that know your industry and can help you using videos to help your SEO bring in more visitors.

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