Marketing In 2021

Marketing in 2021What does your marketing in 2021 look like?

Your marketing in 2021 may determine whether your business survives or becomes another loss to the UK economy. Certainly 2020 has been a challenging year for many UK companies; for some it has been the end of the road.  However in business, we always need to be looking forwards.  As we approach 2021, what is your marketing going to look like?  What new things are you planning?

COVID-19 is not going away, a lot of us are going to be glad to move into a new year, however a new year does not mean a new start.

Chances are there is going to be a third lockdown, what does this mean for your business?

If you are a construction company, the wheels are still going to be turning.

If you are in the retail sector, or hospitality industry, the challenges will certainly not go away.

As more of us are moving our buying habits online, UK businesses need to adapt to the new footfall.

How Visible Are You Online?

We have seen the internet completely change the world since if first appeared in the early 1990’s.  Your marketing in 2021 does need to embrace the internet in some way no matter what your business offers.  Your website does need to be up, professional and engaging.

Responsive websites are now very common. * Responsive websites are websites that automatically update and adapt when new mobile devices are brought out.

If you have a website, but are not getting many enquiries, you need to look into marketing your website in order to increase your website traffic.  This could be organically (this is what we call search engine optimisation’) or using paid advertising (PPC or pay per click) through sponsored links on a search engine.

Amazon is 100% online and is the largest retail machine.  Your marketing in 2021 has to embrace the internet in one form or another.

How Effective Is Your Online Presence?

Since most of us use the internet on a regular basis, we know what to expect when it comes to a website.

Your branding needs to be attractive.  Your design needs to be modern.  Your products/services need to be immediately visible (since web users will decide whether to stay and browse or to click back and go to one of your competitors).

Your click through rate and average visitor times can easily been seen in Google search console.  If you are getting visitors, but they leave quickly, you need to be looking into why that may be.

Using a marketing agency does need to be part of your marketing strategy in 2021 (yes, you do need to have a marketing strategy whatever your business is).

Lead generation strategies for startups have to start with good planning, you cannot just rush in.

What Other Forms Of Marketing Can You Use In 2021?

Certainly online marketing is important, but it is not the only string to your bow.  There are other forms of marketing that you can use in 2021.

Events and exhibitions sadly are not the answer, as many exhibitions and events will remain cancelled due to the virus and social distancing.

Telemarketing and lead generation for many companies is still effective and can be embraced in 2021 going forwards.  Telemarketing is a great way to keep in touch with your existing clients, and to find new ones.

PR and the media is also an option to consider as part of your marketing for 2021.  If you are closing an office, hiring staff, winning contracts; these are all newsworthy stories to communicate to your audience.  A PR agency can help you to get media attention and as a result, get you more publicity (hopefully translating into more business).

Marketing leads the way to selling, and there is a big difference between sales and marketing.

Closing Thoughts To Reflect On

If you thought that 2020 was bad, 2021 is going to be just as challenging.  The virus is not going away, social distancing and face masks will be part of the ‘new normal’.  However being prepared will make the challenge easier to face.

With the growth of the internet, and the ongoing issues we have with social distancing, is choosing a local marketing company still necessary?

Your marketing strategy in 2021 does need to take into account the new buying trends that the internet has provided as we were encouraged to stay at home in 2020.

Our advice at Marketing Quotes is to talk with a marketing agency.  Put a strategy together that is based around your website and your customer base.  Try not to panic, the world has changed and we are all facing challenges in 2021.

Have a great Christmas, stay safe.

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