
Do You Need Help With AnimationAnimation Companies In The UK

Animation is a growing area of graphic design as many companies seek to use it both online and on smart phones.  As technology develops, so to does this area of graphic design.  However finding the right agency can be challenging as there are so many to choose from.

A quick search on google will reveal that there are thousands of designers.  You cannot just pick the agency at the top of the page, just because they are at the top of the page.  You need to choose them based on specific criteria.

This is where we can help, by shortlisting a few local designers for you to get quotes from.

  • Location – Are they local to you?
  • Cost – How much do they charge?
  • Experience – How experienced are they?

What To Look For

The main thing to look for when considering a creative design agency is their experience.  How long have they been doing animation for?  How good are they?  Do they have current clients you can talk to?  Are the clients happy?

Another thing to look out for is industry experience.  Have they worked in your market?  Do they know how your target audience will react to the designs?

This is important as all industry sectors are different.  What works in one will not necessarily work in another.

Arrange A Meeting

A great way to see how good an agency is would be to go and see them.  What are their studios like?  The claims they make on their website about being ‘the UK’s top graphic design agency’, can they substantiate that?

Using a local graphic designer is always advised, as meetings do play an important roll in the communication process.

A meeting will also give you a chance to meet the team and see how much about your industry/company they really do know.

Compare Multiple Quotes

Sadly comparing prices is essential in today’s world.  As all animation companies set their own fees, they will vary considerably from agency to agency.

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