Landing Page

Landing PageConsider Your Landing Page For Visitors

Consider your web visitors coming to your website on any page, the landing page they come onto has to create an impact and generate a result.  

You need to consider who your target visitor is.  

If you are a florist, your visitor will be different to a visitor on a pet supplier website.  Your landing page needs to be relevant to your ideal visitor.

You will get visitors mainly from search engines like Google & Bing.

Seasonal Landing Page Designs

One thing that has been incorporated into many a website is a seasonal twist.  If it is St Patricks day, a 4 leaved clover has been used.  If it is Christmas, a Santa Clause or a snow theme has been used.  

Having seasonal landing pages does communicate something very important, that the website is current and up to date.

Here are 5 landing page actions to boost conversions.

Seasonal landing pages are great for regular visitors, as they will see that your website is not boring and static, but is being looked after.

Different Landing Pages For Different Channels

Your website visitors vary depend on the different places they come from.

If your visitor is from an advert, having a tailored landing page is wise.

If your website visitor is just organically finding your website, again a different landing page may be necessary.

If you are doing a specific marketing campaign to push a specific product or service, again a tailored landing page for each campaign may be needed.  This can also be ‘split tested’ to see which ones work better than others.

These are all things a seasoned web designer should know and do automatically.

Dangers Of Poor Landing Pages

You will know if you have a poor landing page, you will not get many enquiries through it and you will have a high ‘bounce rate’.  This means you will find that people come and then leave without navigating through the website.  This could be caused by a number of reasons:

  • Wrong Colour

Believe it or not, colour plays an important part with a website.  Again, depending on who your visitor is, different colours work and some do not,

  • Font

If you have a bad choice of font, then you could be sailing close to the wind.  New fonts from the 1990’s that were modern and funky look dated these days.  Consider what fonts you are using on your landing page.

  • Copy

What content do you have on your website?  Is it engaging?  Is it spelled correctly?  Is it well laid out?  Most people do not read a web page in detail, they scan it.  Most people are drawn to errors, spelling mistakes or incorrect phrasing.  Consider using a copywriter to look through your website in depth.

  • Pictures

A picture speaks a thousand words they say.  Are you using pictures on all your pages?  Do you need to?  What are your pictures like?  Are they impacting?  Are they relevant?

  • Keywords

Your keywords (search phrases you wish to be found for by potential customers) need to be peppered around each and every page of your website.  Try not to over use the same keyword, but ensure they appear at the top, middle and bottom.

Give Them What They Want

People by their nature are lazy, especially these days in our ‘instant’ society of fast food, cash machines etc.

With landing pages, you need to give people what they want.  People do not want to hunt for what they are looking for.

A clear message on each web page with a clear call to action is necessary if you want your landing pages to convert.

Compare Website Design Quotes

We live in a world of price comparison these days, since all marketing companies are privately owned, we do advise shopping around.

Freelancers tend to be cheaper than established agencies, but may. lack experience in web design.  London web design companies tend to be more expensive than agencies in other parts of the UK, but this is down to their outgoing costs and overheads.

Choosing a marketing company is never easy, as each one is different with different experience.

We do encourage getting all these issues looked at, by a website designer and a copywriting company.  Just fill in the form to get quotes for your landing pages.

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