Marketing for Builders

Marketing for BuildersCompare Quotes On Marketing For Your Building Company

Marketing for builders is very important, as the building industry is so large.  

The building industry in the UK has been through turmoil since the financial crash of 2007.  

The need to stand out in the crowd is important, but finding the right marketing agency is hard.  

We always advise using an agency that knows about marketing for builders.

Just fill in the form to get free advice from marketing agencies that have know the construction and building industry.

Why You Need Marketing

The building industry is huge, from the leading contractors like Taylor Wimpey and Bovis, down to Bob the builder that does house extensions.  Marketing for builders is essential to standing out in the construction industry and generating new work.

What Kinds Of Marketing Can You Use?

All forms of marketing are great for generating exposure.  

However some will work better for you that others:

A Dynamic Website

Website design for builders is important in today’s world, as most people use the internet to find a building company.  

Your website needs to reflect your work, being clean, clear and professional.  This will project you as being clean and professional.  

The actual website design is also important, poor websites stand out and people will go back and go to your competitor.


Advertising for builders is a great way to generate exposure, however some forms of advertising are more suited to you than others.  

Small building companies that work locally would benefit from radio advertising.

PR And The Media

Public relations is a great way for you to get local media coverage.  

PR can be used both by small builders and national ones.  

There are many PR agencies that offer PR for house builders and construction companies.  For any new build, media attention will created.  

If there is renovation of an older building or listed property, there are many PR opportunities to be linked into.  This can even be linked into PR for architects that the builder is working with.


Branding for builders is important in the construction world today.  

As your brand needs to reflect the quality of your work, how long you have been established and reinforcing your pricing.  

Branding is essential to all builders of all sizes.  Branding is an essential part in marketing for builders.

Company Brochures

Brochures for builders are important, even though many people may use the internet. 

A brochure can be left after a quote is done, which showcases your work – making you look more professional.  Brochures are used as promotional items, and can be posted as sales literature.  

Brochure design can be creative, to reflect the kind of new build you are promoting.  Brochures play a varied roll in marketing for builders.

SEO For Your Website

Search Engine Optimisation for builders websites is important, no, actually essential, because SEO is all about being found online.  A website that has no visitors is almost the same as not having a website at all.  

Most people when searching for a builder will use the internet or social media.  

If your website is not appearing on page one of a search engine result, then your competitors are likely to get the tender.

Of course having good website content on your website is a big part of SEO.

PPC For Your Website

Pay per click advertising for builders is a great way for you to get instant web coverage for construction related projects in their area.

If there are a lot of building companies in your area, you may not appear on page 1 (linked to SEO).  So PPC advertising is necessary for your website to appear on page 1.  

PPC is a great form of marketing for builders and it is very affordable to any building firm.  

SEO does take time and work to get and stay on page 1, so PPC can be used in the short term to at least appear in the results.

Telemarketing And Lead Generation

Generating new business is at the forefront of any building company, small or large.  

Telemarketing for building companies is a great way for you to generate new sales leads.  Whether you are targeting businesses or consumers, telemarketing can quickly generate new sales enquiries.  

This is a short lead time form of marketing as new tenders can be produced on the same day as the telemarketing starts.  

By following up sales leads from companies like Glenigan, you can quickly generate new tenders.

How Much Would Marketing Cost?

Depending on what area of marketing you are interested in the costs could vary.

A basic website could cost as little as £1,000.  A PR campaign could cost from £500 – £1,000 and so on.

Marketing for builders does not have to be expensive.  However shopping around is wise.  All marketing companies have different rates, overheads and profit margins.  

Based on the size of the marketing campaign, it is wise to compare prices.  Each marketing company sets their own rates.

Selecting A Marketing Agency

When considering choosing a marketing company, it is wise to select one that has experience in doing marketing in the construction and property sector. 

If they have a track record, have happy clients that you can talk to, then they are a safe bet.  Ideally choosing a local agency is best, that way you can meet them and build a relationship.  

Ask them questions to get a good idea of their industry knowledge.  Another good piece of advice is finding out how long they have been established.  

Some agencies have just started trading, others have been running for decades.  Experience counts for everything when it comes to ROI.

Compare Multiple Marketing Quotes

We do advise getting a few quotes from different marketing agencies, in order to view different proposals and marketing prices.  

Paying more for marketing does not mean you will get a better result.  Indeed the phrase ‘you get what you pay for’ does apply to many things, but not with marketing.  

All marketing agencies are different and marketing for builders does need an experienced agency.

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