Billboard Advertising

Billboard Advertising In The Digital AgeBillboard Advertising

Billboard advertising has been popular for a very long time (well over a century) promoting products from Pears Soap, Gordons Gin, Bisto Gravy, Guinness, Cigarettes and almost anything.  

Billboards are always strategically placed so that they are visible to hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of consumers every day.

Research is done to find out roughly how many people will see each billboard around the UK and it is monetised accordingly.

For example, a billboard that is placed near a supermarket will get more people seeing it than one that is near a roundabout in a small town.

The problem has always been finding the right marketing agency to handle your billboard advertising campaign.  There are so many to choose from.  

The Power Of Billboard Advertising

Depending on the advert, the image or message conveyed on the billboard advert can remain with you for hours or days.

The colours that are used, the branding to remind you of the taste of the burger or the theme of the TV advert can be conveyed on a billboard advert.

Billboard adverts can be a very powerful marketing tool when in the hands of the right marketing company.

The Era Of Billboards

Billboards have been around for a long time.

The very first billboard advertisements were with posters over 50 square feet and were created by Jared Bell in New York to advertise Barnum & Bailey Circus in 1835.  That is nearly 200 years ago, and they have not changed that much since then.

However going back, the ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics to put laws and instructions on their temple walls, which is a kind of billboard depending on your point of view. 

In fact billboards at one point was the main form of advertising (as it was so visual) and the best way for businesses to get their products seen by consumers.  50 years ago marketing was as aggressive then as it is now.  

With adverts being placed onto any and everything possible from busses, houses, trams, station platforms, the underground.

Billboard advertising has always been popular in the London tube system.  

It still is to this day with an estimated 2 million people per day as a captive audience. Just fill in the form above to get quotes from 5 local advertising agencies that focus on billboard advertising.

What Does Billboard Advertising Do?

Billboard advertising is a form of branding, not to specifically sell a product to businesses or consumers, but to keep your name in the public eye.

Here are a few popular brands that you would have seen on billboards around the UK:

  • McDonalds
  • Coca Cola
  • Samsung
  • Santander
  • Tesco
  • Innocent Smoothies
  • Nissan
  • Audi
  • KFC

As you can see, there are a wide range of businesses that use billboard advertising.

None of these companies use billboards to sell their products, it is all about branding.  Keeping the company name, product or service in front of you the consumer.  If you pass that billboard once a day or once a week, you are reminded of that brand. 

Digital Makes Its Mark

We have seen over the past few years, more and more billboards disappear and more digital screens take over. 

Consider the spaces at airports, tube stations, high streets, central London, many of which are now digital. As technology has taken over, companies have moved on also.  

Moved on to new and more innovative ways to market their products, services and brands to an ever more consumer hungry nation.

Many councils have now set up digital billboards in their town centres as a way of creating additional revenue via private advertising.  The first digital billboard was erected in 2005 and since then they are all around the UK.

The Death Of Traditional Billboards

So, as the digital era continues to settle in, does this spell the end of the old fashioned billboard?

Outdoor advertising has indeed changed over the decades, however there is still lots of opportunity for non digital. 

Advertising agencies of all kinds can help with setting up varying advertising campaigns based around either traditional or digital billboards.

Although digital billboards are dominating, traditional billboards are still popular all around the UK.  But digital or traditional, both serve the same purpose, to advertise your product, service or brand.

There are many locations whereby digital billboards just do not really work.  On the site of someones house for example or in a rural setting.

The Need To Compare Advertising Quotes

Prices for advertising can vary considerably; so it is wise to shop around.  Depending on the type of advertising, the location, the duration the advertising costs can range from affordable to very expensive (that only the large multi nationals can take part in).

Choosing a marketing company to handle your billboard advertising campaign can be challenging.

All advertising companies set their own rates, so comparing quotes is important.  One thing to remember is that all advertising agencies are private companies that look to make a profit.  Whether your advertising campaign is successful or not, their invoice needs to be paid.

For this reason, shopping around for quotes is important.

There are hundreds of advertising agencies around the UK, so it is always good to compare advertising prices, to ensure that you find the right agency for the right price.

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