PR Agencies In Maidstone

PR Agencies In MaidstoneCompare Quotes From 5 PR Companies In Maidstone

There are 40 PR agencies in Maidstone most of which are small boutique agencies and freelance copywriters.  

Due to it’s location, it has a high number of full service marketing companies that offer public relations services along with other services such as graphic design, web and advertising.  

There are also a number of PR companies in Maidstone that target specific industry sectors.  Should you need website help, there are a number of small website designers in Sevenoaks and Maidstone that may be of interest?

Just fill in the form to get free advice and quotes from PR companies in Maidstone that work in your industry sector.

Do You Have A PR Brief?

Have you got a PR brief available to send an agency?

A PR brief should save everyone a lot of time, since the agency does not know you, your business or what you are looking to get from a PR campaign.

Here are some of the things that you would consider including in a PR brief:

  • Company Background – A background of your business, how long you have been running etc.
  • Overview Of Problems – Why are you looking for PR support?
  • Your Targets – What are you aiming for, industry publications, national media.
  • Target Audience – Who is your target audience, children, adults, market sector etc.
  • Budget – Do you have a PR budget of £100 a month or thousands?
  • Competitors – Who are you competitors, what sets you apart?
  • Timescales – Are you looking for immediate coverage or over the course of months?

There are likely other things you would want to include in a PR brief, which should save a lot of time in phone conversations or a face to face discussion which may lead to information being forgotten or missed out.

Using A Local PR Agency

There are hundreds of PR agencies in Kent.  It makes sense to use a local PR company, as opposed to one towards Dover or London in the other direction.  

Working locally brings the advantage of loyalty, as most local businesses do go the extra mile due to the added accountability there is with local business, related to reputation.  

Another advantage of using a local firm is the opportunity to meet with them easily, perhaps on a monthly basis or just infrequently; this ensures that they will produce steady results, as they would not like clients meeting them with nothing to show for the money they have spent.  

Another reason for having regular meetings is to chat about industry experience; something that is essential in the media world.

Does The PR Agency Engage With The Media?

The easy way of doing PR is by setting aside half a day to write a really captivating press release.  The lazy way a PR agency may handle your PR campaign is to do just this.  To spend half a day writing a really great press release, submitting it to an online press release website and then just sitting back and doing nothing more.

They may charge you £1,000 for this, and it is not how PR should work.

You want them to pick up the phone and talk to a news journalist, a flesh and blood person they already know, to discuss you and your story.

This is a little old fashioned, but the only way you can really get effective media attention is by pro-actively reaching out to your target media.  Knocking on the door that you could not do yourself since you do not have that relationship.

This is what you are paying for, otherwise you could just sit down yourself and write a really great press release and submit it yourself to PR Fire, or any of the other many media outlets.

Have You Considered A PR Stunt?

PR stunts are a way of grabbing your audiences attention.  Doing something to make you stand out (for the right reasons) to get media coverage.  Done right PR stunts can be like marketing gold dust for your business.

For example (and this is not a suggestion), if you were to set fire to your offices or to launch fireworks, this will most likely be reported in the local media.

A PR stunt follows the thinking that you need to do something to stand out, to get the media’s attention but for the right reasons.

Talking to an experience PR company in Maidstone about doing a PR stunt should (hopefully) get you media coverage from day 1.

Compare Multiple Public Relations Quotes

The main reason for comparing prices is due to all PR agencies in Maidstone will be quoting different costs; as all PR companies in Maidstone are independent.  

It is not about finding the cheapest PR company, but the ‘right’ PR company for you.

They all set their own fees based on their overheads, profits, staff numbers and the type of campaign to be mounted.  It is wise to obtain advice and multiple quotes, to provide you with different campaign ideas and different prices.  PR prices vary considerably, so we advise it is best to shop around and compare quotes.

With public relations, you do not get what you pay for.  The most expensive PR company in Maidstone does not make them the best.  However going with the cheapest agency is not the answer either.

A Glance At Maidstone

It is the county town of Kent, situated on the River Medway, and is the hub of activity for the county, which is known as ‘the garden of England’.  

There is evidence of the early Saxons having settlements in the area and also Roman occupation, the main road being Roman and also examples of Roman villas. Since 1797 there have been army barracks in the city, and currently the Royal Engineers and two Gurkha regiments are stationed here.  

It has a population of just under 100,000 people according to council data, and has the largest paper recycling factory in Europe.  A key feature in the city is Leeds Castle (see picture), which is a popular venue for day trips, weddings and corporate functions.

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