PR For Butchers

PR For ButchersPublic Relations Support For Butchers

PR for butchers is popular due to it being so cost effective, both for independent butchers and large butchers.  

The problem is finding a suitable public relations agency, as there are so many in the UK all with different industry experience.  

We always advise talking with agencies that have done PR for butchers and know the retail sector.  

Just fill in the form to get free quotes and advice from 5 local PR companies that know about the meat industry

UK Meat Industry

The meat industry has remained largely unchanged throughout the centuries until around 30 years ago.   This is when we saw the numbers of family owned butcher’s shops decline due to the boom in the supermarket industry.  

Media representation is therefore important in today’s world.  It is a strong part of marketing for you, and one that is very affordable. Growth of organic meat has helped many butchers ‘carve’ out a niche in the market.  

Prince Charles is a keen farmer and the Duchy has Home Farm which is popular, not for budget meat, but organic.  Not everyone buys meat on price.  PR for butchers serves to increase brand awareness and why you are unique.

UK Decline

Due to the growth of supermarkets, the convenience of having everything under one roof made shopping habits change.  As a result, the number of traditional butchers in the UK has declined. Along with other smaller independent shops, many have had to close down due to lack of business. 

The buying power of supermarkets means that they can undercut smaller shops, and offer cheaper meat to customers.  This may be good news in some respects for consumers, but bad for you, making media representation important.  

PR for butches can work as a powerful marketing tool to ensure your shop does not suffer.

Traditional Butchers

Many butchers have looked at new and innovative ways to survive; understanding that they are more expensive they have looked at putting a positive media spin on the situation.  Many look to be part of the butchers union.  

Many look to be part of the Livery of Butcherswhich is closely linked to the Smithfield Market. Many butchers are known to offer a higher quality product than supermarkets and offer full traceability of products. 

All look to source locally and take pride in supporting the UK farming and livestock industry.

Supermarkets on the other hand do source products from overseas, due to the cheaper costs and subsidies that other countries receive from their governments. 

France, Argentina and New Zealand are popular countries to export their beef, lamb and pork to the UK supermarkets.  With the growth of programs like Masterchef, exotic meats such as pigeon, guineafowl, wagyu beef have given many butchers a good marketing angle.

Positive Industry Media

Choosing a marketing company can be challenging.

Many butchers are looking at using PR agencies in order to combat the supermarkets and overseas threats to the UK meat industry. 

It seems bizarre that meat can be reared, slaughtered, packaged and shipped from the other side of the world than it is cheaper than a farm down the road without something being wrong.  

Getting more exposure is something that is needed for British suppliers to survive, which is what media coverage can achieve.  Most people do not mind paying a little extra for a quality product.  Especially if it is local, and is known to have been reared in good conditions, from healthy stock.  

If by paying a little extra a UK industry can be saved from closure then all the better.

Compare Multiple PR Quotes

As a price comparison website, we want to help you get the best agency, for the lowest price.  All public relations companies are independent, setting their own fees and profit margins.  

For this reason, PR prices do vary considerably.  PR for butchers does not need to be expensive, fill in the form to find out why.

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