PPC Agency Cost

How much does a PPC agency cost?How Much Does A PPC Agency Cost?

Many businesses have approached us in the past asking ‘how much does a PPC agency cost’?  Finding out how much a paid advertising agency charges needs to be broken down.  

There are two main costs associated with getting a PPC company to run your account.

There are the costs of the actual clicks generated, payable to the ad service provider (Bing or Google normally), and the management fee/retainer to the agency.  This is normally a monthly management fee, but this does vary.

When comparing PPC companies, there should be a clear idea of how they have valued the fee/retainer that they charge you.

This should be linked back to the value of a conversion to your business, and so a good pay per click agency will always be interested in this data so that they can charge you a fee that will lead to a return on investment.  If you get an order from a click, are you generating £10 or are you generating £1,000?

What Is PPC Advertising?

Lets start at the beginning, how does PPC advertising work?

It is a quick way to reach a relevant audience on major search engines like Google and Bing, and can be very cost-effective when implemented and managed correctly.

Google’s platform is called Google Adwords.  Bing’s platform is called Bing Ads.

You only pay when someone clicks on your advert.  

So by using the correct combination of keywords, ad messaging, and landing page, you’ll should only attract visitors who are interested in your product or service.  They should hopefully be more motivated to convert.

Appearing organically on page 1 of search engines for your target keywords is difficult, especially for competitive industry sectors.

PPC advertising is a way to get onto page 1 24hrs a day (if you want) by setting up and advertising campaign on the search engines.

Each time your advert is clicked on, the search engines charge you a fee.  This could be 0.20p or it could be £20.00 depending on how competitive the keyword you are sponsoring costs.

Some Work On A Fixed Fee Basis

Model: Fixed fee quotes are the most straightforward for all parties and after the service has been defined a project or monthly retainer is worked out.

Drawback: Sometimes working on an account incorporates other activities and this leads to questions whether the activity is included within the fee or is an added extra.

Some Work On Performance

Model: You pay the agency a fee per established metric.

This could be for an enquiry you receive or a sale, there are many options and you need to determine what is the most valuable metric for your business.

Drawback: The downside to this metric is that it is difficult to accurately track a metric that a PPC company would have a large amount of control over.  As other factors such as landing page, copy, and your call to action also play a part.

Some Work Based On Percentage Spend

Model: This is the traditional advertising agency model. Pay per click management fees are assessed based on how much you spend in your PPC accounts.  Paid media agencies can quote fees that range between 15-30% of your total PPC ad spends.

Drawback: The major drawback of this model is that it might not encourage your paid advertising provider to manage the budget effectively, as spending more means a higher fee.

Some Work On An Hourly Rate

Model: The agency quotes the cost based on the amount of time they spend managing the account each month.

Drawback: Some companies could waste time being inefficient to increase their wage

Final Thoughts

Choosing a marketing company to handle your PPC campaign can be a challenge.  All paid media agency prices will vary, mainly down to the rates that the agency charges.  Finding the ‘right agency’ for you is important.  

We do have some pay per click advice for you to give you some additional help and support.

All agencies are different and all will generate different results.

Just fill in the form to find out how much local PPC companies cost in your area.

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