Choosing The Right Exhibition Stand Designer

Choosing The Right Exhibition Stand DesignerDid You Need Help To Choose The Right Exhibition Stand Designer?

Choosing the right exhibition stand designer starts with research.  As there are over 300 to choose from, you need to be selective in who you choose.

If you are planning to attend an event or exhibition, it is important to find the right stand for the job. 

There are many different forms of stands available and many many designers and suppliers of the stands. We always encourage using a local designer where possible, as a meeting will prove invaluable.

What Exhibition Stands Are There

There are four main sorts of stands available:

Choosing the right exhibition stand designer is a little like choosing the right tool for the right job. 

Events and exhibitions are all about portraying the right image, choose the wrong stand and you give the wrong image.  An expensive mistake to make.

How To Find The Right Exhibition Stand Designer

In the UK there are well over 500 different exhibition stand designers and suppliers. 

Finding the right agency is not an easy thing, as you first need to choose a supplier that you like the look of (it helps if they are local to you).  You then need to see if they can supply the sort of stand that you want built/supplied.  Then you need to compare them to other designers/supplier to see if they are price competitive.

All designers are different and will charge differently for their products.  It is heavily advised to compare exhibition stand designers to ensure that you can get the best deal. 

As mentioned, there are hundreds out there to choose from, even more if you are an international company and are open to working with overseas designers.

What Is The Right Designer To Use

Choosing the right exhibition stand designer is essential, but there has to be criteria to consider. Price is important, but there are other things that are equally if not more important than being price focused:

  • Experience – do they know your industry, your clients and your market
  • Location – are they local to you, can you visit them to chat through ideas
  • Success – what have they designed before, how successful have they been
  • Price – are they competitive as we all have budgets to work to and saving money is the name of the game

These tend to be the reasons that most companies would want to work with a stand designer (give or take) but you may have additional criteria to selecting the right exhibition designer to work with.  There are lots of them out there, so the best thing to do is to compare quotes and see who looks right for the job (based on the full package they can offer).

Closing Thoughts

Events are expensive things, choosing the right exhibition stand designer is very important if you are going to get the most out of your event.  Whether you are exhibiting at the NEC or the Excel, choosing the right exhibition stand designer is essential.

If you would like some free help or advice then use the enquiry form opposite to get exhibition stand design prices to compare.  Price comparison is popular for most things, now you can compare marketing companies.

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