Telemarketing For Transport Companies

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Telemarketing for transport companies is becoming more and more popular as the transport and logistic area grows and diversifies.  

As more businesses start up, your competition grows, so to therefore is the need to be more aggressive with your marketing.  

Whether you are a national company like Eddie Stobart, or an independent, or a member of the RHA, this could be for you 

Just fill in the form to speak with agencies that work in the industry.

How Can Telemarketing Help Your Company

Telemarketing for transport companies can be used both to handle incoming calls, and for outbound calls.  

This could be market research related work, lead generation, or just handling customer queries, taking pressure off of the staff in the office day or night.

Most of us do not like automated call handling (press 1 for this, press 2 for that, press hash tag to go back to the main menu).  Sadly most large companies rely on them to handle calls, to their detriment.

Using telemarketing for your transport company can boost customer care and increase sales simply by having a human at the end of the phone.

How Would Telemarketing For Transport Work?

Working closely with internal teams and the marketing agency/team is key to the success of any telemarketing campaign.

Working as a stand alone agency is the recipe for failure for any telemarketing campaign.  Using the agency as an internal team will ensure customers feel the telemarketing agency is internal staff handling calls.

Telemarketing for transport companies can be used both to handle and channel incoming calls but to follow up cold data that brings new customers on board.

The main thing is for the telemarketing agency to take time to get to know your transport business.  Getting to know the issues you face, the challenges you struggle with and help you find a solution to a way forwards.

Sector experience is important, a knowledge of the transport and logistics sector should ensure the telemarketing agency is right for you.

How Much Would Telemarketing Cost?

The costs of telemarketing really depend on the kind of outbound calling that is needed and the number of staff are required to make/receive calls.

Also, all telemarketing agencies have different rates, so depending on their profit margins, their rates will vary.  

Telemarketing prices will vary from agency to agency, mainly because all set their own fees (as independent businesses).

Selecting A Telemarketing Agency

It is wise to select an agency that has experience in calling for industry companies.

They will have a much better idea of how to approach your campaign and should get quicker and better results.  They will also know how the transport/logistics sector is laid out. They will know your customers and competitors.

Marketing for transport companies is quite a specialist field, not all marketing companies know the sector, so it is wise to talk to industry experienced agencies – which is where we come in.

Compare Telemarketing Quotes

We do advise getting advice and quotes from a few different telemarketing agencies in order to get an idea of different approaches and prices.  

Telemarketing for transport companies is a quick way to generate new enquiries, but does need to be priced.

A quick search on google will show you how many agencies there are in the UK. With over 450 agencies in the UK, it is wise to shop around and compare quotes.  

As mentioned, all agencies set their own rates, although industry experience is important to the success of your campaign, getting the best agency at the lowest price is more important.

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