PPC For Holiday Companies

PPC Advertising For Holiday CompaniesCompare 5 Quotes On Pay Per Click Marketing For UK Holiday Firms

Since most of us search for holidays online, PPC for holiday companies is essential.  

The holiday sector has boomed since the COVID pandemic of 2020 as a lot of people started running travel companies from their homes once travel restrictions were lifted.

Competition in the travel sector is high and people are always looking for bargains.  

Themed holidays such as safaris or adventure holidays have come in, as well as group holidays for singles.  The market has really diversified over the last 10 years and it continues to grow.

For this reason, appearing on page 1 is essential in order to get your customers.  Since new companies have the uphill struggle to appear on the organic search engine results, PPC for holiday companies is a good option.

Just fill in the form opposite to get free advice and quotes from local PPC companies that have experience in the travel and holiday market.

Do Holiday Companies Need Paid Media?

Around 90% of all potential holiday makers use the internet to look for holidays.  

PPC for holiday companies is essential in today’s world.  The front page is dominated by the established brands such as Thomas Cook and Tui both are ATOL protected.  

However they may not hold all holiday search terms.  

Paid advertising ensures that your business gets onto page 1 of search engines and can remain there 24 hrs a day (as long as you are willing to pay for it).  

Getting onto page 1 for any search term related for holidays is difficult, due to the competitive nature of the travel sector, so paid adverts are a great short cut.

We do advise when considering agencies to use one that has done marketing for holiday companies in the past.

Consider Social Media

PPC for holiday firms of any size does not need to be restricted to just the main search engines.  PPC on search engines can be expensive, very expensive, another option is using social media platforms.

Many holiday companies use Tik Tok to post amusing videos, which is not necessarily PPC but is a variation.

Facebook also is another cost effective option which is within reach to small holiday firms or startups.

A Few Things To Consider

PPC for holiday companies is not all about the advertising, a big part of it is your website.

  • Landing Page

How good is the landing page your advert is pointing towards?  Is it 100% relevant to what the website visitor is looking for/expecting?  Are you just sending all traffic to your home page in the hope they will click the ‘contact us’ button?

  • Keywords

What is the keyword strength like on the landing page, or on your entire website?  PPC cost is based on how high the quality score is for your keywords, the lower the score the higher the cost will be.

  • Timing

You do not want your adverts to be running 24/7, as people are not searching for holidays at 2am (unless they have come back from a night out and are looking for a booze cruise).  Setting your advert times for the times of day you feel people are going to be most actively looking for a holiday is wise.

Also think about demographics, such as age or gender you are wanting to target.

Many PPC companies advise doing split testing, which is wise.  This is all about running different adverts, different landing pages, different keywords in order to find out which combination works best.

How Much Would PPC Cost?

The cost of paid advertising can be split into two parts.  

The cost of the advertising (which goes to the search engine) and the cost of the management of your campaign (which goes to the agency).

Management fees sometimes are quite reasonable (a few hundred pounds a month or so) and sometimes into tens of thousands.  

But advertising costs will vary depending on budgets, the CPC (cost per click) and how long the adverts run for.  It may be expensive per click, due to the competitive nature of the sector.

Choosing A PPC Agency

When considering choosing a marketing company to set up and handle your PPC, it is very wise to use one that has experience of doing work for travel companies.  

Have they done advertising in the sector in the past?  If so which ones?  Are the campaigns successful?

Compare Multiple PPC Quotes

Shopping around for quotes is essential as with any price comparison website.  All agencies set their own rates, so PPC costs will vary.  PPC for holiday companies does not need to be expensive, just fill in the form to see.

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