PR For Alcohol

PR For AlcoholPublic Relations For Companies In The Alcohol Sector

PR for alcohol companies is essential, partly for marketing and partly for handling media issues.  The problem is that with so many public relations agencies in the UK, finding the right one is hard.  

We always advise talking with media agencies that have experience in doing PR for alcohol businesses.  A media campaign does need to be tied into the alcohol companies website.  In addition, website design for wine merchants is important.

Just fill in the form to get free quotes and advice from 5 local PR agencies that work in the alcohol sector

PR & Media Coverage For Alcoholic Products

The alcoholics beverage market has always been large, and it is always growing, as many have seen consumption in the UK increase, and we have seen drinking trends shift.  Many pubs are using PR to get local publicity. Nightclubs use PR for helping their local image.

More wine is sold now than 10 years ago, and “Alcopops” have started to become more common as younger people develop the drinking scene.  Media support in this sector is important in maintaining a positive noise in the media.

There are 6 main types of classification

  • Wines (fine wines and table wines)
  • Beers (exotic and local ales)
  • Ciders
  • Spirits & Shots
  • Cocktails & Mixers
  • Alcopops

The range of brands and companies within the industry is diverse and is growing.

Well known brands would be Budweiser, Smirnoff, Gordons Gin, the list goes on.  New breweries are coming on the scene and start-ups are coming in with unique new marketable products.  

There is a see-saw between sales and public health, getting the balance is hard.  PR for alcohol companies needs to factor responsible drinking into advertising campaigns.  Since alcohol consumption for the most part gets a lot of negative media attention, PR for positive drinking of alcohol is necessary.

The Need For Brand Awareness

All companies within the alcohol industry have a responsibility to the public.  The truth is that alcohol is damaging to the human body, to the liver, the kidneys and the brain.  It also has a negative effect on our sleep patterns.

With the result that alcohol related illness is on the increase in the UK.  Alcohol companies need to make known the fact that excessive consumption of their products will result in serious health risks.  Positive media is required to promote responsible consumption.

Many health professionals have campaigned against  consumption unsuccessfully, as dependency and binge drinking has increased across all areas of society.

A great way to generate brand awareness is using PR stunts.  Done right they can be marketing gold dust to your alcoholic beverage brand.

Alcohol Focused Media Coverage

Public relations is a big part of the marketing campaign of any drinks company.  Whether in terms of promotion and building brand awareness, in conjunction with TV advertising, or in terms of crisis PR relating to issues in the wider media.

Many of the top drinks businesses use public relations to promote their products and ensure brand awareness to consumers.  All media coverage has to be targeted properly, whether this is for fine wines, champagnes or budget cider, all needs to be targeted with the consumer in mind.  

PR for alcohol companies is an important part of the marketing toolbox.

PR Agencies With Alcohol Experience

Due to the growing size and expansion of the alcohol sector selecting an agency that has experience in the industry is essential. 

Due to the number and variety of different PR agencies around the UK, choosing one that knows the industry will bring many benefits to the campaign.  The PR agency has to have experience in doing PR for alcohol companies to be the best match for your brand.

Compare Public Relations Quotes

All public relations companies have their own rates, so PR prices will vary depending on the agency that you select.  It is wise to shop around to find an experienced one, and one that gets results.  PR for alcohol companies can be expensive, but it does not have to be if you select the right agency..  

As a price comparison website, we want to help you get the best PR agency, for the lowest price.

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