Retail Marketing

Retail MarketingGet Retail Marketing Support

Retail marketing and marketing for shops is possibly one of the largest sectors of marketing within the UK.  

The retails sector is struggling due to the growth of online retail, so marketing for shops needs to be focused.

COVID-19 is now another challenge to the sector and how to adapt your shop to social distancing yet still be growing as a business.

The problem is, finding the right marketing agency, one that has experience in retail marketing.  

As there are hundreds of marketing agencies around the UK, finding the right one can be a challenge.

Just fill in the form to get your shop advice and support from marketing companies that know the retail industry.

Recession In The Retail Industry

The retail industry struggled with the recession in the early 2000’s, but also the growth of online retail.

In 2011, the latest casualty to the retail industry was the clothing brand Jane Norman going into liquidation. 

Thornton’s had to close 180 stores and Carpet Right closing 50 stores and these are the high street giants.  ToysRUs closed in 2018.

Many small retail companies are also facing the effects with lower high street spending and higher rents.

This is where retail marketing and marketing for shops can help.  Point of sale is what makes the difference between customers spending or leaving.

Can Marketing Help The Industry

Many shops are responding to the recession in a positive way. 

Morrison’s use their ‘crunched’ prices (playing on the words ‘credit crunch’) and other brands are using similar marketing slogans. Sales are another big thing that many shops are using to boost retail business. 

By bringing costs down, they are encouraging people to spend. 

More shops are now using sales more than ever before.  M&S are offering their 2 dine for £12 and Sainsbury’s has copied them with the same offer offering a starter, main course, desert and bottle of wine for £10.

Many fast food outlets (Indian restaurants. pizza houses, subway) are doing leaflet distribution campaigns offering meal of the day, half price pizzas etc.

Retail Growth

The retail industry is very uncertain at the moment, the industry has reported many retail closures during June 2011 and is forecasting a further downturn. The reality is that people are not spending as they were back in 2000 before the recession started.

This is a change in retail spending, habits are changing.

Marketing Ideas For Retail Companies

Shops and other retail businesses are in a difficult position at the moment, as investing and spending on retail marketing is risky.  

All shops are looking at their marketing to see what works and what does not.

There are a few ‘essential’ marketing tools for retail companies, marketing that shops strongly need to consider doing in order to beat the recession (or at least stay afloat):

  • Branding Of Your Shop

Branding for shops and retail companies is at the very heart of marketing for shops.  Your brand is what makes you stand out in this crowded and competitive market.

  • Website Design – Shopping Websites

Websites are an essential retail tool, they are up 24/7, there are no queue’s to wait in.  There is no impulse buying and no trolleys parked in the middle aisle with a screaming child throwing items out. 

Choosing a website designer with retail experience is essential in order to get a great looking, efficient and profitable shopping website set up.  

‘Shopping around’ for  website design prices is also essential in order to get a great website for a fair price (no-one likes overpaying in today’s economic downturn).

  • Advertising

Shops rely heavily on advertising in order to create brand awareness and to ensure that shoppers are seeing your products regularly.  

Shops can use a wide variety of methods of advertising for retail products such as TV advertising, billboards, radio, sponsorship and especially at Christmas, are advertising more via all mediums.

  • Search Engine Optimisation

Having an e-commerce website is essential, but having the website visible on the internet and generating visitors is just as important. 

There is no point in a shop having a website if there are no visitors coming to it.  SEO is an essential aspect of retail marketing in order to get sales going through it.  From the 100’s of marketing agencies around the UK.  

Choosing SEO companies with retail experience is very wise in order to get efficient SEO work done (rather than an agency that specialises in SEO for banks, baby food, engineering etc.).

  • PPC (Paid Advertising)

The internet is a big place, and if you are not on page 1 for the searches you are attracting, your competitors will be and you are missing out on the customers. 

Very rarely do people go page 2, 3 or 4 – they stay on page 1 as they find the shops they are looking for. 

Choosing a PPC company with retail experience is important in order to get the best campaign set up that is profitable.  PPC advertising is one of the biggest marketing vehicles driving marketing for shops.

  • Packaging

Many shops use packaging, using a skilled designer is important.  This could be packaging for clothing, packaging for toys or for food.

  • Public Relations

Public relations is an essential tool and a very focused one that is cost effective.  It is strongly advise to choose PR agencies with retail experience to handle retail marketing campaigns.  

For any shops using PR effectively, it can be a very successful tool in order to gain brand awareness and generate media interest in the shop.

  • Telemarketing

More or less all shops need to use telemarketing, to deal with customer queries, orders, returns and complaints. 

Telemarketing (both inbound and outbound) is an important tool for shops, as it using a telemarketing company that has retail experience.

Compare Multiple Prices On Marketing For Shops

One of the marketing challenges in 2024 for shops is marketing.  

COVID hit the retail industry hard, but the high street has been in decline for decades now.  It is essential to shop around for quotes on marketing for your shop.  

As any price comparison website, we aim to help you find the right marketing agency that knows about marketing for retail for the lowest price.

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